The Poetry Porch 

Submissions: Frequently Asked Questions


The deadline for submissions has passed. The next reading period will be January 5 to March 1, 2025.

How can I submit my work to The Poetry Porch? 
The editors at The Poetry Porch read manuscripts in the early winter. Watch the opening pages for an announcement calling for papers in January. You can query about ideas for essays and reviews any time throughout the year. We accept submissions by email or US mail.

How long before the author is notified about the status of his or her work?
After receiving spring submissions, we try to notify all authors by the end of March and get the new issue online in April.

How much of the work on The Poetry Porch has been previously published? 
The Poetry Porch posts some previously published work, especially if it appeared in magazines or books with small distribution. More and more, however, we are interested in publishing new and original work. Sonnets submitted for acceptance on The Sonnet Scroll must be original and unpublished. 

How often is The Poetry Porch updated? Does it have issues? How many a year? 
New issues, possibly with themes, come out once a year. The Sonnet Scroll is updated with new sonnets independently of these issues. 

If I want to print out a poem or an essay, how should I go about doing it? 
The authors hold copyright to their works, and none of these works can be reprinted without their permission. For your own use, however, you may print out a poem or essay on The Poetry Porch, as long as you observe the copyright of the author of each text and/or image. Please contact the editor if you want to pursue this matter. 

Why are the poems all askew on my browser? 
Set browser window so screen is 800 by 600 pixels, variable width font at 12 points. 

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Please send comments via email: Poetry Porch Mail